14.9 C
Saturday, April 27, 2024
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Wave of increased food insecurity hits West and Central Africa

This is a four million increase in the number of people currently dealing with food insecurity in that region.Mali is facing the worst situation...
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World News in Brief: Dignity and justice key to end evil of racial discrimination, methane emissions update, Mpox latest, peacebuilding boost

World News in Brief: Dignity and justice key to end evil...

The international day on Thursday highlights that theme, as well as the importance of recognition, justice and development opportunities for those of African...
This tiny chip can safeguard user data while enabling efficient computing on a smartphone

This tiny chip can safeguard user data while enabling efficient computing...

Health-monitoring apps can help people manage chronic diseases or stay on track with fitness goals, using nothing more than a smartphone. However, these...
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Parliament condemns Iran’s attack on Israel and calls for de-escalation

In a resolution adopted on Thursday, MEPs strongly condemn the recent Iran’s attack on Israel with drones and missiles and call for further sanctions against Iran.

Rule of Law in Hungary: Parliament condemns the “Sovereignty Act”

A new resolution on the rule of Law in Hungary pinpoints several concerns, especially given the upcoming elections and the Hungarian Presidency of the Council.

Expulsions to Rwanda: outcry after adoption of British law

British Prime Minister hailed the adoption, in the night from Monday, April 22 to Tuesday, April 23, of the controversial bill for expulsions to Rwanda

New EU fiscal rules approved by MEPs

The new EU fiscal rules, approved on Tuesday, were provisionally agreed upon between European Parliament and member state negotiators in February.
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FoRB News

In Russia, a special course for the militarisation of theological schools

The course towards the militarisation of theological schools was taken after the meeting of the Supreme Church Council of the Russian Orthodox Church

In Norway are counting the “witches” burned in the Middle Ages

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology presented the results of a study that investigated "wizard" trials. Scholars have found that similar trials in...
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