18.8 C
Saturday, June 8, 2024
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Top UN officials urge comprehensive approach to Syria’s protracted crisis

Martin Griffiths, the UN Emergency Relief Coordinator, highlighted the worsening humanitarian crisis, noting that 16.7 million people now require humanitarian assistance, the highest number...
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EU News

In-Demand IT Skills that Boost Your Resume

The IT industry is rapidly evolving, driven by continuous technological advancements and increasing business needs. As companies adopt new technologies, the demand for skilled...
EU News

European elections: Daily media briefings from Thursday 6 June to Monday...

Between Thursday 6 June and Saturday 8 June, three off-the-record briefings on the European elections will be held in Parliament’s Anna Politkovskaya press conference room
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Weekly Election Highlights

In total, around 360 million Europeans are called to the polls to elect the 720 members of the next European Parliament.

European elections: Daily media briefings from Thursday 6 June to Monday 10 June

Between Thursday 6 June and Saturday 8 June, three off-the-record briefings on the European elections will be held in Parliament’s Anna Politkovskaya press conference room

Experts at conference held at the Church of Scientology of Rome, make the point on the state of freedom of belief in...

University professors, government officials, parliamentarians and religious representatives participated in a day-long conference where they discussed the current challenges to religious freedom. KingNewsWire // Brussels,...

European elections 2024: practical details for media on election days and night | News

 Daily media briefings from Thursday 6 June to Monday 10 June Parliament’s press service will organise briefings for media, in physical presence and remotely...
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Here is a selection of articles that cna contribute to a higher awareness of society

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FoRB News

The EU and the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, a fortress under siege

East of the European Union, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, 84, courageously holds a vulnerable fortress defending the historical presence of Christianity in Turkey, which has been under threat...

Experts at conference held at the Church of Scientology of Rome, make the point on the state of freedom of belief in Italy and...

University professors, government officials, parliamentarians and religious representatives participated in a day-long conference where they discussed the current challenges to religious freedom. KingNewsWire // Brussels,...
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