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Saturday, June 1, 2024
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EU News

European sports stars encourage citizens to vote in European elections

Footballers, football clubs, tennis tournaments, and Paralympians have joined in with the EU’s #UseYourVote campaign ahead of the European Parliament elections on 6-9 June.
Deep concerns over ‘inhuman’ detention of Gazans by Israeli authorities

Deep concerns over ‘inhuman’ detention of Gazans by Israeli authorities

In a new report on the situation in Gaza for May 2024, the authors cited testimonies “from medics and whistleblowers” that injured detainees have...
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Weekly Election Highlights | News

As we approach the European Elections in June, Parliament's press services will be publishing a weekly newsletter, highlighting the main election-related news of...

European sports stars encourage citizens to vote in European elections

Footballers, football clubs, tennis tournaments, and Paralympians have joined in with the EU’s #UseYourVote campaign ahead of the European Parliament elections on 6-9 June.

Qatar regularly rescues Ukrainian children illegally transferred and kept by Russia

On 22 May, it was announced that 13 Ukrainian children were returned from Russian-occupied territories to their homeland thanks to the mediating role of...

Lead candidates present their bids for the European Commission presidency

Walter Baier (Austria, European Left), Sandro Gozi (Italy, Renew Europe Now), Ursula von der Leyen (Germany, European People’s Party), Terry Reintke (Germany, European Greens)...
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FoRB News

Persecution of Ahmadis, in Pakistan; A Detailed Analysis of the International Human Rights Desks 2023 Annual Report

In Pakistan the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, a minority group has long been facing discrimination, violence and rights violations.

Pope celebrates peace with children gathered in Rome for first WCD

Pope Francis asks children gathered in Rome’s stadium for the first World Children's Day (WCD) to pray for their peers who are suffering from war
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