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Jueves 6 de febrero de 2025
EuropaAction against ‘phone phishing’ gang in Belgium and the Netherlands: eight arrests...

Acción contra una banda de 'phone phishing' en Bélgica y Holanda: ocho detenidos | Eurojust

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The European Times Noticias tiene como objetivo cubrir las noticias que importan para aumentar la conciencia de los ciudadanos de toda Europa geográfica.

In a concerted operation, Belgian and Dutch authorities have cracked down on an internationally operating ‘phone phishing’ gang, leading to the arrest of eight suspects. In addition to ‘phishing’, or trying to gain access to bank or financial data by phone or online, the suspects also visited mainly elderly victims at their homes, pretending to be bank employees or police officers. Eurojust and Europol coordinated and supported the actions in Belgium and the Netherlands, where 17 places were also searched.

Phone and fishing hook on a desk

Most of the fraudulent activities took place in Belgium, but the organised crime group (OCG) behind the scam operated mainly from Rotterdam and other cities in the Netherlands. This week’s arrests have led to the apprehension of the alleged leaders of the OCG, though the investigations into the fraud continue. The fraudsters allegedly scammed victims out of at least several million euros. 

At the request of the Belgian Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office (PPO), Eurojust became involved in the case in November 2022. Subsequently Belgian investigative judges also asked for the support of Eurojust, which organised eight coordination meetings to enable the cooperation with the Dutch authorities and support the operation against the OCG. 

Throughout the investigation, Europol brought together all partners to facilitate effective coordination and the exchange of information between Member States. Europol experts also provided national authorities with analytical and financial support. 


Authorities in both countries are warning customers to exercise caution with online transactions and not to trust phone calls allegedly made by banking staff. Citizens are advised to be cautious on the following points:

  • Do not trust mails claiming to come from banks that state you urgently need to update your account. 
  • Do not trust messages claiming that your phone account has been locked and needs updating.
  • Be careful when buying goods via secondhand sites if sellers ask for an initial payment of EUR 0.01.
  • Do not provide account details, PIN numbers or other financial information over the phone, even if the caller claims to be a bank employee.
  • Do not trust phone calls or messages that say you have won a phone or another item but ask you to pay a small amount up front.
  • Check URL links sent to you and make sure they start with ‘https://’.
  • Beware of links that redirect you to a fake bank site. These may look similar to your bank’s website, but cannot be trusted. 
  • Do not give any information to individuals claiming to be bank employees who visit your home. 
  • Criminal groups often ask young people to lend their phone cards or bank accounts for seemingly harmless transactions. The police strongly advises people against this, as it may make them an accomplice to criminal activities. 

This week’s operation was carried out at the request of and by the following authorities:

  • Bélgica: Federal PPO (Federaal Parket); Investigating Judge Court of First Instance Antwerp, section Mechelen (Onderzoeksrechter van Rechtbank van Eerste Aanleg Antwerpen, sectie Mechelen); Federal Judicial Police East Flanders (Federale Gerechtelijke Politie Oost-Vlaanderen)
  • Países Bajos: PPO Rotterdam (Openbaar Ministerie Rotterdam); National Police (Nationale Politie – Eenheid Rotterdam) 

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