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NgoLwesihlanu, ngo-Ephreli 19, i-2024

I-TheEuropeanTimes NEWS okwamanje inentshisekelo yokuzwa kuwe futhi iyayamukela impendulo, imibuzo, neziphakamiso ezivela kubafundi.

Uma ungathanda ukuphakamisa iminikelo yangaphandle ukuze ishicilelwe, qaphela lokho The European Times izocubungula ukushicilelwa kwayo, ngaphandle kwesibopho sokwenza kanjalo, noma ukukuhlinzeka nganoma yisiphi isibopho sezezimali ngawe.

Sicela usithumelele i-imeyili

thintana [ a ] ​​europeantimes.news

Isikhalo sika-$2.8 billion sabantu abayizigidi ezintathu eGaza, eWest Bank

Isikhalo sika-$2.8 billion sabantu abayizigidi ezintathu eGaza, eWest Bank
The development came amid reports of ongoing Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip including Gaza City in...

Guqula isimemezelo esiyingqopha-mlando samalungelo abomdabu sibe ngokoqobo: UMongameli Wenhlangano Yezizwe Ezihlangene

Guqula isimemezelo esiyingqopha-mlando samalungelo abomdabu sibe ngokoqobo: UMongameli Wenhlangano Yezizwe Ezihlangene
“In these trying times – where peace is under severe threat, and dialogue and diplomacy are...

I-gorilla endala kunazo zonke emhlabeni yaphenduka iminyaka engu-67 ubudala

Berlin Zoo is celebrating Fatou the gorilla's 67th birthday. She is the oldest in the world, the...

Ukugqoka i-jean eyodwa kanye kwenza umonakalo omkhulu njengokushayela u-6 km ngemoto yomgibeli esebenza ngophethiloli 

According to scientists, wearing a pair of fast fashion jeans just once creates 2.5 kg of carbon...

Inkantolo ye-EU ikhiphe osozigidigidi ababili baseRussia ohlwini lwezijeziso

On the 10th of April, the Court of the EU decided to exclude Russian billionaires Mikhail Fridman...

IPhalamende lamukela isikhundla salo mayelana nezinguquko zemithi ye-EU | Izindaba

IPhalamende lamukela isikhundla salo mayelana nezinguquko zemithi ye-EU | Izindaba
The legislative package, covering medicinal products for human use, consists of a new directive (adopted with...

Isayensi Yokudluliswa: Ukusebenzisa Isoftware Yokumela Amakhasimende

Isayensi Yokudluliswa: Ukusebenzisa Isoftware Yokumela Amakhasimende
Imagine this: you’re swamped with choices, bombarded with ads, and unsure who to trust. Suddenly, a...

UKUBUYISA BUKHOMA: Inhloko yesikhungo sosizo ePalestine ngenxa yokwethulwa kafushane koMkhandlu Wezokuphepha mayelana nenkinga yaseGaza

UKUBUYISA BUKHOMA: Inhloko yesikhungo sosizo ePalestine ngenxa yokwethulwa kafushane koMkhandlu Wezokuphepha mayelana nenkinga yaseGaza
1:40 PM - Philippe Lazzarini has said the agency is facing a “deliberate and concerted campaign” to...

Abaholi be-UN bafuna ukuthi kwenziwe okwengeziwe ukuze kuqedwe ukucwasa nokucwasa

Abaholi be-UN bafuna ukuthi kwenziwe okwengeziwe ukuze kuqedwe ukucwasa nokucwasa
UN Secretary-General António Guterres celebrated the achievements and contributions of people of African descent from across...

I-palimpsest yamaqiniso nezinkumbulo ezihlangene: Imibukiso eqhubekayo yase-Palais de Tokyo

By Biserka Gramatikova A crisis that is here and now, but begins somewhere in the past. A crisis...

Amavidiyo Awathinta Kanjani Amazinga Enjini Yakho Yokusesha?

Amavidiyo Awathinta Kanjani Amazinga Enjini Yakho Yokusesha?
The easily consumable format of videos makes them a great tool to communicate with your target...

Isimo sezwe senza ukuvota okhethweni lwase-Europe kubaluleke nakakhulu | Izindaba

Isimo sezwe senza ukuvota okhethweni lwase-Europe kubaluleke nakakhulu | Izindaba
Today’s pre-electoral publication reveals a positive, upward trend on key election indicators with just a few...

Ukuhlasela okumangalisayo ngasikhathi sinye kwe-SWAT ezikhungweni ze-yoga zase-Romanian e-France: Ukuhlola iqiniso

Operation Villiers-sur-Marne: Testimony On 28 November 2023, just after 6 a.m., a SWAT team of around 175 policemen...

Vumela intsha ihole, ikhuthaza umkhankaso omusha wokumela

Vumela intsha ihole, ikhuthaza umkhankaso omusha wokumela
As crises continue to unfold, there has been a lack of unity among world leaders in...

Ukubhekana nomdlavuza ku-nanoscale

Ukubhekana nomdlavuza ku-nanoscale
When Paula Hammond first arrived on MIT’s campus as a first-year student in the early 1980s, she...