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Thursday, May 2, 2024
EurópaNagy-Britannia befejezi a hivatalos gazdasági szakítást az Európai Unióval

Nagy-Britannia befejezi a hivatalos gazdasági szakítást az Európai Unióval

NYILATKOZAT: A cikkekben közölt információk és vélemények az azokat közölők sajátjai, és ez a saját felelősségük. Publikáció in The European Times nem jelenti automatikusan a nézet jóváhagyását, hanem a kifejezés jogát.

NYILATKOZAT FORDÍTÁSA: Ezen az oldalon minden cikk angol nyelven jelent meg. A lefordított verziók egy neurális fordításként ismert automatizált folyamaton keresztül készülnek. Ha kétségei vannak, mindig olvassa el az eredeti cikket. Köszönöm a megértésed.

The European Times A News célja, hogy olyan híreket közöljön, amelyek fontosak a polgárok tudatosságának növelése érdekében egész földrajzi Európában.

London (AP) – Nagy-Britannia hosszú és olykor kínos válása az Európai Uniótól csütörtökön gazdasági megosztottsággal zárult, amely az EU-t kisebbre, az Egyesült Királyságot pedig szabadabbá, de elszigeteltebbé teszi a viharos világban.

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        Britain left the European bloc’s vast single market for people, goods and services at 11 p.m. London time, midnight in Brussels, completing the biggest single economic change the country has experienced since World War II. A different U.K.-EU trade deal will bring new restrictions and red tape, but for British Brexit supporters, it means reclaiming national independence from the EU and its web of rules.

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        Prime Minister Boris Johnson, whose support for Brexit helped push the country out of the EU, called it “an amazing moment for this country.”

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„A kezünkben van a szabadságunk, és rajtunk múlik, hogy a legtöbbet hozzuk ki belőle” – mondta újévi videóüzenetében.

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        The break comes 11 months after a political Brexit that left the two sides in the limbo of a “transition period” — like a separated couple still living together, wrangling and wondering whether they can remain friends. Now the U.K. has finally moved out.

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Ez volt az a nap, amelyre egyesek vágytak, mások pedig rettegtek, mióta Nagy-Britannia a 2016-os népszavazáson megszavazta az EU-ból való kilépést, ám ez valami antiklimaxnak bizonyult. A koronavírus-járvány visszaszorítását célzó brit zárlati intézkedések korlátozták a tömeges összejöveteleket, hogy megünnepeljék vagy gyászolják a pillanatot, bár néhány Brexit-támogató dacolva a korlátozásokkal, pohárköszöntőt emelt a Parlament előtt, miközben a Big Ben harangja 11-szer szólalt meg.

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A több hónapig tartó feszült tárgyalások után karácsony estéjén megkötött szabadkereskedelmi megállapodás biztosítja, hogy Nagy-Britannia és a 27 tagú EU továbbra is vámok és kvóták nélkül vásárolhasson és értékesíthessen árukat. Ez segít megvédeni a két fél közötti 660 milliárd font (894 milliárd dollár) éves kereskedelmet, és az erre épülő több százezer munkahelyet.

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        But companies face sheaves of new costs and paperwork, including customs declarations and border checks. Traders are struggling to digest the new rules imposed by the 1,200-page trade deal.

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        The English Channel port of Dover and the Eurotunnel passenger and freight route braced for delays as the new measures were introduced, though the pandemic and a holiday weekend meant cross-Channel traffic was light, with only a trickle of trucks arriving at French border posts in Calais as 2020 ended. The vital supply route was snarled for days after France closed its border to U.K. truckers for 48 hours last week in response to a fast-spreading variant of the virus identified in England.

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A brit kormány kitart amellett, hogy „a határrendszerek és az infrastruktúra, amire szükségünk van, a helyükön vannak, és készen állunk az Egyesült Királyság új kezdetére”.

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        But freight companies were holding their breath. Youngs Transportation in the U.K. suspended services to the EU until Jan. 11 “to let things settle.”

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        “We figure it gives the country a week or so to get used to all of these new systems in and out, and we can have a look and hopefully resolve any issues in advance of actually sending our trucks,” said the company's director, Rob Hollyman.

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        The services sector, which makes up 80% of Britain’s economy, does not even know what the rules will be for business with the EU in 2021. Many of the details have yet to be hammered out. Months and years of further discussion and argument  over everything from fair competition to fish quotas lie ahead as Britain and the EU settle into their new relationship as friends, neighbors and rivals.

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        Hundreds of millions of individuals in Britain and the bloc also face changes to their daily lives. Britons and EU citizens have lost the automatic right to live and work in the other’s territory. From now on, they will have to follow immigration rules and obtain work visas. Tourists face new headaches including from travel insurance and pet paperwork.

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        For some in Britain, including the prime minister, it’s a moment of pride and a chance for the U.K. to set new diplomatic and economic priorities. Johnson said the U.K. was now “free to do trade deals around the world, and free to turbocharge our ambition to be a science superpower.”

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        Conservative lawmaker Bill Cash, who has campaigned for Brexit for decades, said it was a “victory for democracy and sovereignty.”

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        That’s not a view widely shared across the Channel. In the French president’s traditional New Year’s address, Emmanuel Macron expressed regret.

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        “The United Kingdom remains our neighbor but also our friend and ally,” he said. “This choice of leaving Europe, this Brexit, was the child of European malaise and lots of lies and false promises.”

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        The divorce could also have major constitutional repercussions for the United Kingdom. Northern Ireland, which shares a border with EU member Ireland, remains more closely tied to the bloc’s economy under the divorce terms, a status that could pull it away from the rest of the U.K.

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        In Scotland, which voted strongly in 2016 to remain, Brexit has bolstered support for separation from the U.K. The country’s pro-independence First Minister Nicola Sturgeon tweeted: “Scotland will be back soon, Europe. Keep the light on.”

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        Many in Britain felt apprehension about a leap into the unknown that is taking place during a pandemic that has upended life around the world.

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        “I feel very sad that we’re leaving,” said Jen Pearcy-Edwards, a filmmaker in London. “I think that COVID has overshadowed everything that is going on. But I think the other thing that has happened is that people feel a bigger sense of community, and I think that makes it even sadder that we’re breaking up our community a bit, by leaving our neighbours in Europe.

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        “I’m hopeful that we find other ways to rebuild ties,” she said.

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        Associated Press writers Renee Graham in London and John Leicester in Le Pecq, France, contributed to this report.

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        Follow all AP stories on Brexit at <a href="https://apnews.com/Brexit" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">https://apnews.com/Brexit</a>
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