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РелигијаФОРБГлобални међуверски универзитет је покренут на Недељи међуверске хармоније

Глобални међуверски универзитет је покренут на Недељи међуверске хармоније

ОДРИЦАЊЕ ОД ОДГОВОРНОСТИ: Информације и мишљења у чланцима су они који их износе и за то су сами одговорни. Публикација у The European Times не значи аутоматски прихватање става, већ право на његово изражавање.

ПРЕВОД ОД ОДГОВОРНОСТИ: Сви чланци на овом сајту су објављени на енглеском. Преведене верзије се раде путем аутоматизованог процеса познатог као неуронски преводи. Ако сте у недоумици, увек погледајте оригинални чланак. Хвала на разумевању.

Петар Граматиков
Петар Граматиковhttps://europeantimes.news
др Петар Граматиков је главни и одговорни уредник и директор The European Times. Члан је Уније бугарских новинара. Др Граматиков има више од 20 година академског искуства у различитим институцијама високог образовања у Бугарској. Он је такође прегледао предавања, која се односе на теоријске проблеме у примени међународног права у верском праву где је посебан фокус стављен на правни оквир нових верских покрета, слободу вероисповести и самоопредељења, као и односе држава-црква за множину. -етничке државе. Поред свог професионалног и академског искуства, др Граматиков има више од 10 година медијског искуства где обавља функцију уредника туристичког тромесечног часописа „Цлуб Орпхеус” – „ОРПХЕУС ЦЛУБ Веллнесс” доо, Пловдив; Консултант и аутор верских предавања за специјализовану рубрику за глуве особе на Бугарској националној телевизији и акредитован је као новинар јавних новина „Хелп тхе Нееди” при Канцеларији Уједињених нација у Женеви, Швајцарска.

As a member of the Governing Council of the Global Interfaith University, I am delighted to announce that this newly-founded academic institution has been symbolically launched just days before the start of the 2022 World Interfaith Harmony Week (1-6 February). Prayers from the United Nations will feature the 2014 World Peace Flag Ceremony held at the United Nations General Assembly Hall to commemorate World Interfaith Harmony Week.

Global Interfaith University (GIU) is a non-profit, accredited online distance learning university, driven by a compelling vision of providing high-quality liberal arts education to individuals and communities around the world, who may find it difficult to afford the cost of traditional campus-based university education. We ensure that our students develop the skills and intellectual competencies that are essential for success, leadership and development.

Our mission at Global Interfaith University is to offer award-winning educational programs that actively shape the relations between people from different religions, faiths and spiritual backgrounds and traditions worldwide. We provide flexible learning options for all types of passionate learners.

Our award-winning online and distance learning programs include real-time instructions and hands-on resources to ensure each student is being challenged and supported throughout their courses. Global Interfaith University (GIU) is an incorporated entity registered with the State Government of Delaware (DE), United States of America (USA).
The Governing Council exercises general oversight over the University and its affairs, bringing in a wide range of expertise and knowledge, independence and objectivity.
Global Interfaith University has Fifteen Governing Council members who meet four times each year.

Our Vision is to develop confident, responsible and well-mannered students who aspire to achieve their full potential. We do this by providing a diverse, secure, fun and supportive learning environment in which everyone is equal, and all achievements are celebrated.
The Global Interfaith University (GIU) is a non-profit, accredited online distance learning university. It is driven by a compelling vision of providing high-quality liberal arts education to individuals and communities worldwide, who may find it challenging to afford the cost of traditional campus-based university education. Our core values include honesty, diversity, innovation, compassion, reliability, optimism, respect, perseverance and commitment.

What we do at GIU

At Global Interfaith University (GIU), we offer a broad range of distance and online learning programs. Each of our programs is designed to take the learners to the next level of their careers and life experiences. Our Degrees and Professional Development Programs are carefully designed by experts to help learners develop rewarding and fulfilling careers and dreams.

GIU Philosophy

At Global Interfaith University, we acknowledge that Религија, Faith, Spirituality and Science are not enemies but symbiotic disciplines. Therefore, our faculty works with our students to explore how this inter-sectionality and symbiosis from the deposits of wisdom in religion, faith, spirituality and science can collectively contribute to human development.

GIU Academic Programs

Global Interfaith University (GIU) offers interesting choices for both undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Our University faculty offers students excellent learning services and support to enable them to succeed in their learning, research and practice beyond the University. Our academic programs provide students with insights into the world’s religions, such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shintoism and several others that have influenced human behaviour, including the world’s history, literature, politics and environment.

Our students have unrestricted access to our study materials and also learn through lectures, observations and videos. Global Interfaith University offers several accredited academic programs at Certificate, Bachelors Degree, Masters Degree and Doctoral Levels.

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