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Monday, May 6, 2024
NotizieArdern, Collins rispondono alla domanda su religione e politica -

Ardern, Collins rispondono alla domanda su religione e politica -

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The European Times Le notizie mirano a coprire le notizie che contano per aumentare la consapevolezza dei cittadini in tutta l'Europa geografica.

Rispondendo a una domanda di un membro del pubblico, la leader del Partito Nazionale Judith Collins si è descritta come un'anglicana liberale con un senso dell'umorismo durante il dibattito dei leader di stasera.

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                    The Labour and National leaders answered a viewer’s question on their faith and politics. 

                        Source: 1 NEWS</div>
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Ai neozelandesi indecisi è stata data l'opportunità di porre una domanda ai leader dei partiti nazionale e laburista durante il dibattito finale.

                <div class="storyPage"> <p>An undecided voter asked both Collins and Labour's Jacinda Ardern what role their faith would play in their governance.</p></div>
                <div class="storyPage"> <p>First to answer the question was Collins, who said her faith already played a role in her job.</p></div>
                <div class="storyPage"> <p>“I am exactly who I was. I’ve always been a liberal Anglican.”</p></div>
                <div class="storyPage"> <p>She did admit she sometimes wished that she’d done better as a woman of faith. However, she was one who had a sense of humour.</p></div>
                <div class="storyPage"> <p>When asked about her stance, Ardern reiterated that she doesn’t have a faith but was raised Mormon and said that has shaped her view on religion.</p></div>
                <div class="storyPage"> <p>“I hope what people can see is that I respect people no matter their belief, no matter their upbringing because I had a similar start in my life.</p></div>

                <div class="storyPage"> <p>“But one of the reasons I’m agnostic now is, for me, I wanted to make sure my religious beliefs didn’t get in the way of anyone else practising what they chose to believe themselves.”</p></div>
                <div class="storyPage"> <p><b>VOTE COMPASS - With the election campaign coming to an end, take this opportunity to participate in Vote Compass, a survey tool which lets you see how your views match up with party policies - go to <a adhocenable="false" href="https://votecompass.tvnz.co.nz/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">tvnz.co.nz/VoteCompass</a></b><br /></p></div>
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